Remote employees can be a great asset to you and your business. It provides greater flexibility as well as a greater sense of employee satisfaction. If you can train them to be effective, you’ll have a formidable workforce that won’t be hard to fill when you need to find new employees.
Organize Training Materials
In most cases, it’s not a great idea to just send employees off with a laptop and trust that the same results will come. Remote working is very different from in-office work, even if the actual tasks are identical. Employees are now in a far more comfortable environment – but they’re also surrounded by distractions. Make sure you have a clear vision for this new era of remote work before you begin. You may want to talk to a consultant to know how best to transition and train your employees. Provide a thorough orientation of the new system once you have it developed.
Train Them on Security Measures
Unfortunately, with the new territory of working from home, you also get new security risks. These can be multi-faceted – the danger might be from hackers, it might be from human error on the part of the employees, or the danger might be from a technological malfunction outside anybody’s control. Train them on the proper way to save work to keep them from losing valuable progress. Also make sure they understand basic security, the most important facets of which involve good password keeping and using private Wi-Fi. Employees using public Wi-Fi networks may be exposing your company to security risks.
Analyze and Adjust
Especially if this is your first time implementing remote work in your company, there are going to be some initial obstacles you will need to get over. It will be an adjustment, after all, and that means that it will take some time, effort, and patience to figure out the new rhythm. The best thing you can do to ensure that the transition doesn’t cripple your business is to keep a careful record of productivity. Analyze how you can adjust certain standards or systems to streamline and improve your employees’ experience. Again, talking to a consultant can be extremely helpful.
There’s no transition in business that happens perfectly. But then again, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. If you’re careful, thorough, and make sure your employees understand the most important aspects of their new roles, you will see fantastic results eventually.
Check out this article on technology mistakes that can cost your business!